One blog in a whole month then, wow, that's pretty crappy. Although, life hasn't been on fire with writeable opportunities... but that doesn't mean one page in thirty days is nothing short of lacklustre. I guess this just sums up the mood I'm always taken by as the nights draw in, I hate this time of year more than any other...I find it so hard to get motivated to do anything other than lying down, and more than anything I want endless balmy evenings dammit >:(

Anyway, to justify things a little I guess I have still been writing a fair amount, just elsewhere...and for those of you about to receive little bits of news in the post as a result, I hope this doesn't spoil things for you somewhat...... :/ I'll try and commit to screen what I fail to do miserably in real life...that being attaining the air of being cool and mysterious. Well on the way to being 25, I have realised that I will never be either of these things in reality..... :p (and that's really OK)

There have been various highlights of this last week or two, since returning from Spain. Firstly, there were my visits to the Tierpark, or Animal Park auf Englisch. I'm really not a fan of Zoos per se, but this place is really nicely done, the animals are so well cared for and seem happy, healthy and with enough space to themselves. The place is massive, and as a result I ended up going twice in two weeks - but with money to buy food and souvenirs, as well as entrance paid it was more like a nice treat rather than work ;) the girls were all really well behaved, and we scoffed crepes and were generally happy whilst pointing at various species. THUMBS UP

Next, there was the purchase of my beautiful polka-dot dirndl, which at €99 sounds expensive...and, on a meagre wage such as mine, pretty much wiped me out for a week or so, but taking into account the average one is about 300, I think I did really quite well. Plus, although a proper traditional one would be lovely, I'd only throw beer down it (come on, I would...I throw cans of soft drink down myself regularly, and I haven't even been drinking then) so the fact that it's a little cheaper means I'll be less gutted when it gets inevitability, unfortunately, if you happen to be a posession of mine.

Talking of which, a complete and utter lowlight is that my beautiful postcard purse that I loved, only cost me a euro and I was always getting comments on was STOLEN by some light-fingered tracht-ed up PRICK and I find myself googling replacement postcard purses pretty much constantly. Of course these are all closer to about £20, but I'm never going to get the €1 steal that I found in H&M one cold windy Wednesday morning. However, I loved my postcard purse, and will do whatever I can to replace it, even if it's only the kind of replacement that's never as good as the thing you lost in the first place. Also I've had to replace all my cards, which in German is kinda difficult but I managed. (And on that note, if you care I actually finally managed to get a Maestro debit card after 5 months....only to have it cruelly snatched away by Thiefpants McGee, AWESOME)

Next, I should totally talk about Oktoberfest but I think it deserves it's own entry. I might try being a whole lot less like the lazy trout I am becoming, and load some pictures with my blog entries. Everything just looks a whole lot more, I don't know, proper I suppose when that's the case. Unluckily for you, pictures are still on my phone, and as that's downstairs and I'm upstairs it's looking a little unlikely right now. I will try harder next time :p and you will get a guaranteed extra entry all about Oktoberfest, if you care :p

As for exciting things that give me money, I started a paid TEFL position yesterday and star another next week. So happy! I will be using any money I receive to a) save something - I miss being able to with my whole being - and b) enrol my slightly expanding arse in a Gym, which will also give me somewhere to go on these cold, windy mornings when I've taken to solid reading. Which, by the way, is lovely (just finishing the unedited version of Anne Frank's Diary, then will be starting Brave New World.....followed I think by The is my new goal to become well-read) but not such a friend of the waistline, especially when combined with rather a lot of beer, and a fair few pretzels (which by the way are just beautiful...mmmm).

Anyway, as usual I've started this at stupid o'clock so I will finish now at 00:37. Here's to being happy, setting goals before the big 2-5, and rediscovering albums you once loved...specifically Morning View. (Saying that I wouldn't be averse to any music suggestions, as although I love him so, all I seem to be listening to is Darwin Deez and I guess that seems a little more appropriate for summer, which as much as I'm trying to deny it, it ain't no longer :p)

Ciao ciao


Saturday 2 October 2010 Posted in | , , , , , , , , , | 0 Comments »

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