
although technically the third, the last entry didnt do much apart from detail my complete haplessness around airbourne fruit, and so it is for this reason that this very addition has been benamed version 2.1.
since the last time i put finger to key, my black eye has swollen a lot, then gone away again. i've spent a long few days and weeks not being particularly prepared for impending tripness - electing instead to do completely fun things like go dancing in shout (el blast from el past) meet lovely hannifers in bristol (heavenly) and excurse to the sandy sunny devon coast (even more heavenly, if possible...). Of course, it didnt help that until the 9th hour, my flight had actually been cancelled...therefore causing me to miss my connecting coach to stay at my connecting friend´s house in connecting london. hmm. i have always said that i work better under pressure however, and i suppose the rush caused me to a) not pack ridiculously heavy as per and b) not work myself into the rather pale and shuffly state that i inevitably visit every time i fly. the only downside of this is that i have found myself with an alarming lack of knickers, and so will be visiting german Primarche or Prümärßßße or whatever one calls it, to obtain many more. The upside again *this* is that buying new underwear never fails to make me beam so...i guess everyone#s a winner apart from my purse, which quite aptly broke today.
OK, so actual german things...i managed to endure the flight, and landed in something which was less of an airport, more of some shed that someone had left over in their garden...which they thought they might let budget airlines fly to. Dubbed Munich West, it was about as far west of munich as I am of london...although i'm most certainly exaggerating but the drive was still well over an hour. This has led me to think more about other ways of getting home when I need to - FlyBe go straight to exeter from paris...and there's a sleeper train from here to paris so...apart from the sleeper being one of the things i have wanted to do since i was about 0.37635252 it also seems the most logical option. hooray!
the first day was spent in somewhat of a sleep deprved haze, as we left my somerset house at 1am to get to london in time and this meant navigating. once i'd had a very quick sleep upon arriving, we went to pick the girls up from school - something i'm suuposed to remember to pick them up myself but really can't recall - then we came home, played in the garden and generally got to know each other. they are all so nice and have been so welcoming to me. the only reservation i have is the whole driving thing, their car is a rather swish BMW and i havent seen any crappy runaround for me to use...which leads me to conclude i have to drive it, on the right hand side :\\\\\\ eep... breath held firmly on that one.
yesterday, i slept in and then decided to have a little walk around the neighbourhood. the thing that struck me the most was the fact that life goes on here just as it goes on in somerset, just as it went on in derby, just as it goes on anywhere. we're brought up being told about "foreigners" and such (fact of the day - english is the only eurpoean language that has a word for foreigner meaning "them and not us"..interesting) and how their customs are so different and they're all so strange, but everywhere i looked there were kids playing, was a scruffy teenager delivering newspapers, were people driving and cycling and walking, were people walking their dogs and greeting other dog walkers. it was just refreshing to know that everything is the same really, even if everything's in another language and even if the Y key is where the Z should be and vice-versa :p
today i had the morning off (well pretty much the whole day, till 5) and decided to go a little further afield into Munich city. the underground was easy enough, no ticket barriers or ticket-checking men which says a lot for how trusted people are here. also nobody locks their bikes up, and lots of houses have the doors wide open which i really like, theres a real villagey feel to a place with over a million residents. the weather was so hot today, and i think i got a little burnt but other than that i just let the roads take me wherever they wanted, wherever looked interesting is where i went. i bought a bath bom from deutsche-lush, some postcards and a pair of jeans from h&m which was probably the lowlight as EVERYONE EVER was there, and it was rather claustro... however seeing as the crotch on my previous pair is somewhat near busting open, one could argue this was kind of a necessity :p
i stopped halfway though my epic ramble to have the very german feast of Subway, which i am rather disappointed with but as i'm not au fait with German cuisine yet and am aware they are very MEAT MEAT MEAT i thought i'd know just where i stood with a good old Veggie Patty :)
after that i trotted back home on the subway, at one point being chatted up by a pissed german tramp who wa the only person i understood as he was talking so pissed-ly. but it certainly made me feel very chuffed with myself and completely cosmopoltan to be understanding this german hobo, even if he was just asking if my hair was natural...(as if!!)
which brings me to now! i'm babysitting the youngest whilst Die Parenten have a lovely evening at the cabaret. sounds fantastish :) also, i'm aware i have literally written about everything in the whole world but that means we've caught up so...a) i'm going to endeavour to keep this up to date now and b)i'm going.
tschuß :p x

Saturday 24 April 2010 Posted in | , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments »

One Responses to "2.1"

  1. francesca says:

    Chesca here!

    It's so amazing and wonderful to read your blog! I am still so glad you managed to get yourself out of egg and actually start living life. Please keep writing on this blog as it 1) keeps your creative side blooming :) and 2) I can vicariously live your life :D

    But it's wonderful to read about how you're doing, and I hope everything carries on as good as it's started. xxxxxx

  1. francesca says:

    oh and scary about the car!! eek :/

  1. Me Meeston says:

    thank you lady love, i am pleased that youre pleased that i am pleased to leave that echoey shed. i will keep one updated and i look forward to hearing about your goingson as well! driving commences tomorrow...wish me luck xx

  1. Life and times of Sooz says:

    I love buying pants too!
    I love that the airport was like a shed. I had a similar experience once in Venice and it's quite disconcerting!
    I love that you could only understand the pissed German Tramp!

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