So, its 00.08....09 and i really shouldnt be starting this, i had not a whole lot of sleeps last night and today has been pack-ed. Early tomorrow i am going to attempt not to oversleep for Deutschkurs. Again. However, i just read a catch up blog of a very dear friend of mine (you know who you are...) and it made me feel all kinds of happy, I feel really energised and like I should really try and transfer that happy feeling to anyone else who fancies catching up on the German Saga of Me. If there are any of you about, that is.. :p

Once again here we go...

The last week or so has been fantastically heiss. The weather simply beat beat beat down from the cloudless sky for well over a week, and whenever I logged into Facebook to see a complaint about the British rain the meaner part of myself did a little "ha!". Just like that. This does mean, of course, that I spent a lot of time away from the computer as sitting at it felt like a complete waste. Plus, it was simply too hot to do anything apart from sit, and even that made one perspire (in an attractive feminine way obviously), so I thought I might as well take advantage and get a little brown. And the result, scatman achieved - via slightly pink and some rather obvious white patches. I'm not at the place of popping down the nude bit of the English Garden quite yet!

Evenings generally saw things cooling down and me getting out and about in the forest, I went cycling every single day last week and am starting to remember the gym-bunny tendencies I had at one time in my life. (I was so tempted to write "backalong" then...then realised i would actually sound like Farmer Giles). One Sunday, a group of us decamped to the English Garden (non nude bit) to sit, listen to the drummers that seem to be there ALL THE TIME ( must be their job) and complete verious German homeworks. I'm finding myself in these last two weeks or so a lot more happy to converse with people in German - today I was admiring the umbrella of the eldest girl's piano teacher (which is AMAZING! all musical notes and scales incidentally) and found out she's Russian...I also chat with the cleaner and like it when Gemma's boyfriend (or anyone as a matter of fact) corrects my German. I'm learning things every day :)

With regards to this week, the weather has colded down rather too much, so i've hermited somewhat more than I'd like. Apart, of course, for a trip to Zorneding where one of the girls I've met lives - this is kind of the reason for me sleeping rather too little last night as I only just caught the last u-bahn home after realising its BLOODY AGES AWAY...however, it was uber nice to have girly chats and a change of scenery, watch Amelie for the first time in an age, and try to remember the theme to Ground Force (unsuccessfully) - so definitely worth the effort!

Harry-Potter wise, I finished the last book on the train back from "the Ding" yesterday, after four weeks solid reading. I am now distraught with what to do with my life, and am looking for other children's fads to go through. My money's on Twilight haha, though other contenders are...who am I kidding I actually have no idea about what's cool with kids these days?! Over here they like Pippi Longstocking, who is rather too goofy and ginger to be at all popular in the UK. Going back to the HP thing though, I am completely in agreement with those who say it gets better as it goes on, I actually found myself caring about the characters and what happened to them, when to start with I kinda disliked them all. Quite a feat...this means I am now on a mission to see all the films, and in the meantime I will fill my time completing my collection of pictures of immature German street names...coming to a Facebook near you soon...

Right, this is the point where I'm off as I've realised I've done two things, twice, that I hate more than life itself...a) mention/talk about the weather and b) discuss Facebook in real life. NOT COOL :/ in fact, in addition to that and while we're on the subject...current hatred : people who go for nights out and feel the need to drunkenly update their status every 3.762 minutes...srsly, have a pint and actually speak to your friends, mmkay!

Off to buy the first Twilight book x

Wednesday 16 June 2010 Posted in | , , , , , , , , | 1 Comments »

One Responses to "It's alright...the camera's talking..."

  1. francesca says:

    while it has cooled down for you, we have had glorious sunshine here, so have your mean "HA!" back :)

    i definitely agree with you about the facebook if only i can somehow stop people liking every *&%$ing group on facebook. because honestly, i literally couldn't care less if you 'hate low battery...'


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