I begin with the news(!) that I lost the current scrap of paper that I used to write everything down on, that I wanted to write down. Great...but there you go, gives me the chance to do a little Freistyle...mayte. The last few days have been uber nice, so I think I'll start somewhere around Wednesday.

I've already spoken about the Chinesischer Turm somewhere back along the line, and yes I am too lazy to link myself so you'll have to read back if you want to see what I said. I can probably save you the effort though by re-telling you now that its bloody great, it was bloody great when I went before and as far as I'm aware (natural disasters pending) it continues to be bloody great. HOWEVER! This time I went at night...(cue that stupid ooo noise what people make when fireworks are on) and it was greater, if this is indeed possible. By the time I had got myself ready, it was getting to be twilight, which is hands down my favourite time of day...the actual time not the shitty vampire thing, obv. So i got the tram across town, and sat right at the back watching the streets move away from me and the light dim bit by bit. People were entertaining themselves and each other with late-night meetings at streetside cafes, couples were walking along, fountains were doing their fountainy thing and it was such a nice journey. I arrived at Tivolistraße just as it was getting dark, and by this time the tower was completely lit up and everyone was engaging in international beer-fuelled chatter, it was loud and illuminated and simply magical. This was then topped off by the fact I not only managed to steal a genuine German beer mug, but then won a €15 bar tab somewhere else, which of course I shared with the people I was with. I've never won anything before! I think this takes me to a total of about 5 life points. Acccee

In fact, the only downside is the bank situazion, which is becoming more of a saga than I've got the patience for. All i want is a debit card, the orange one that arrived is the kind of crappy cash card they give 11 year olds and the financially inept - ergo me = not happy. I was 11 far too many years ago for my liking, and make more of an effort than is possibly healthy to be anything other than financially inept, THX. Therefore, I want a goddamn German debit card, and am prepared to do something emotionally low such as cry on the bank lady or some such. I will get one, or I will close my account. The end.

Today saw me attending the Flohmarkt, oder auf Englisch Flea Market. In the excellently chosen words of my Flohmarkt companion "It's full of stuff you never knew existed, that you definitely want." And I mean everything! Clothes, vintage stuff, strange patches, old cameras, little oddments, electronic stuff, toys....etc....I almost bought a bright yellow typewriter for €5 but then realised it would be entirely frivolous and pointless, not to mention how would I get it home etc etc...boring boring. I still covet it. But plumped for an ice cream instead. The only downside that I could see to the whole affair was that one has to get up ridiculously early to get the good stuff, but then this turned into an upside in that by the time I thought it was 6pm it was actually only 2. Nice for a change, but saying that I do still, and will always, prefer a lie-in to pretty much anything. At the 2/6pm mark I raided the sales for some cheap jeans as YET again mine have massive holes in the crotch. (Note to self; stop buying new jeans and look into getting new crotch?) And then I came home, changed and went for a cycle, stopping only to plumb new depths of pretentiousness by sitting and reading Dorian Gray in a meadow.

Well I think that about covers it...apart from let's just say my sleeves are jam packed with tricks, and I am currently babysitting for the parents who are off at some techno rave...? Yes, really. Rather them than me :p

Bye, then...x

Saturday 3 July 2010 Posted in | , , , , , | 1 Comments »

One Responses to "cyclist or traitor?"

  1. Life and times of Sooz says:

    Crying works. Pretty much always :)

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