I have 12 whole followers! How odd. Thank you for following me, and please be aware that my adventures these days are a little less adventure, a little more sitting down with a cup of coffee.. either way, welcome :) I hope you enjoy my interminable ramblings. And please thank yourselves for inspiring me to write today, for I should do you the honour of at least posting once in a while, non?

Today finds me back in England, for various reasons. Mainly, I'm at this whole life crisis crossroads point but less about that, as all I've been doing is thinking about it and I'm bored of the words constantly buzzing around my head. I'm sat here eBaying some pieces of past lives away to pass some time and get some extra pennies, as it happens. What they don't tell you is, although a great idea, eBaying takes forever and is so freaking boring! Those people who made millions on it must have gone mad long before the extra zeroes were added to the old bank balance. Yawn...

Not a whole lot has been happening, apart from me working my whole life away. Due to being a complete fool at times, I found myself in a position where I had three jobs and no time to breathe. There was a period of time where I actually felt like I was on the verge of having some kind of mad episode, and so I paused everything for a bit, quit the least demanding of my three jobs and came back to England to just sit and be in the countryside. So far, it's lovely! I have a whole lot of nothing planned, apart from a shopping trip and dancing session with friends up in Bristol. Any other things I end up doing, will be things that present themselves to me rather than things I seek out. So happy to essentially be doing nothing! Ah, nothing... it's been too long my old friend.. ;)

In other news, looks like I might just have a kick-ass summer. Not entirely sure what the plans are yet, but I've made a vow to myself to use all my free time (of which there will likely be much, well.. more than usual) seeing places that aren't so far from MUC, this means anywhere within about 4 hours drive. So far Zurich, Milan, Ljubljana, Frankfurt and Prague are possibles on the list, and I'm so happy at the prospect of seeing more of my almost surroundings. Keep you posted..

Anyway, tired and fed up of goddamn eBaying for now. Going to take a break and make one of my family members cuddle me! For that is what being around family is all about.. in the meantime, have a song from this challenge I keep forgetting about, something that reminds me of a particular event and the offical song of Day 7. For some reason I play the first Mystery Jets album every time I move out of somewhere.. I love it, and love them, Mystery Jets are just magical, or should that be were magical as their newest album was freaking terrible. How annoying :(

Bai.. x

Sunday 29 May 2011 Posted in | | 0 Comments »

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