Sitting at a table feeling kinda nondescript. So many things going on! First off, I've decided to call time on the aupairing, and have made the family aware. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be, my host Mum was really nice about it and I think she understands that I'm doing too much and that it's just time. She's been showing me some prospective new people and it's all very exciting. I'll be sad to leave the girls (they don't yet know.. hmm not sure how that's going to go..) but for now I'm really happy with my Kindergarten job and still have a long way to go with my German abilities.. also, I've not seen the half of Europe and my brother is moving not that far away in Sept, so it seems the obvious choice to stay here a while yet. Just.. get an afternoon job, find a flat and be a rent-payer, do bills, have housemates, you get the idea. I guess it's a good thing I really enjoy all that self-supporting stuff and also enjoy testing myself as completing the whole exercise in German will be the hardest thing I'll have done so far, definitely whilst I've been here and possibly even in life thus far :/ here goes...

Other news.. many shoestring-budget trips to plan on a brain-saving-sanity exercise.. they say travel is the best education you can get, so I'm going to explore whether I agree. There are so many places nearby, and I was so good at popping away for the weekend when I was in England. So why not repeat it here.. this means I've bought guide books to Ljubljana and Zurich, to somehow commit myself to going. I'm planning to Mitfahr and Couchsurf my way around to save the pennies but also get a more "real" experience of the way of life in a city. Hopefully I won't encounter any murderers.. and if I do, I guess that kind of experience is character building, I need a bit of excitement! (Don't really want to meet murderers)

As for life right now, I'm supposed to be moving a new bed into my room to get it out of the way for my family.. so best get moving. I'll leave you with the next song, although 30 days is suddenly seeming like a lot of days. Too many days! Anyway, here's a song I know every single word to for day 8, apply this also to the album which I've not listened to in so long, strange considering it was my favourite album for so many years. Interesting how our tastes change, but atdi will always be rather special to me, in the kind of way I already know it, and don't have to listen to them all the time.. :) would have been nice to post a proper video rather than a picture but the only live performances I could find were so shambolic I didn't think they did the song justice, so here..


ps, Spent the next hour after posting this listening to Relationship Of Command on full blast, it had been too long, so freaking awesome... a reminder of what was, and what can be re-attained indeed. Big smile :)

Monday 13 June 2011 Posted in | , , , , | 0 Comments »

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