Some more wee tales to tell...not too much mind as firstly, I really can't get away from the feeling that all this is incredibly self-indulgent...and secondly, not a whole lot has happened but i don't want to be in the place whereby I have a billion things to remember. My memory is bad enough at the best of times, let alone when i have to remember stuff :(

This morning the family went away for a couple of days, their grandma has just got good news re: some tests and its Feiertag (general bank-holiday esque thing) which means no German school for me! ...Until tomorrow ha. This means I am for the first time in the house by myself. This presents an oppurtunity to play music loudly (done) have a bath (not done...yet) dye my hair (about to do) and work out to my little heart's content (whilst dye develops). Reading-wise, old Holmes has really got me back into being the bookworm I naturally am, therefore I have finally bitten the bullet and started the Harry Potter series. A book and a half down, I have to say they're alright, but i honestly can't see what that amount of fuss was about. Ho hum. Something to pass the time...

Today I decided to go out to the Olympiapark, which was as grand as all the pictures make out...also there's apolcalypse type music on the site I've just realised! Unfortunately this wasn't playing, though I really wish it was... The atmosphere here was really nice though, what with it being a public holiday, lots of families milling about, and after wandering around for a while talking panoramic photos I decided to go up the massive tower thing (the name of which escapes me)... possibly a great idea for a day when it was clear and sunny...however it was foggy and so all i could see was cloud. Woop! Still, only a small entrance fee so nothing to stop me going back :) also I found a Sea-Life Centre and BMW World - but what with the date there were huge queues for both! So I decided to make a mental note of those too, and go back some other time.

It was at this point that I noticed a rather large concentration of Boy-Scouts...well, Person-Scouts really as there were girls, old men, little kids, everyone, all with these checkered neck ties on...maybe it was a cult, i don't know...but anyway, I walked a little further and found this little festival going on, the band who were playing were great! So I stayed and watched for a while, took some more panoramics and then had a browse around the stalls - nice but not so fun when it started to drizzle. It was then made again a little less nice by the large amounts of religious leaflets being thrust in my face - not really sure how the Scout thing is run here but perhaps it's slightly more Christian than at home. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with religion (or cults), believe what you like...but what I completely do have a problem with is people not just enjoying their beliefs (religious\otherwise) without trying to preach it to others. Seriously, I absolutely can't stand it! Just piss off and let everyone be what they want to be, thx...

At this point I decided to get out of there before I got mad, and happily\accidentally managed to solve the great Superdrug problem by discovering Müller, this sort-of Superdrug-come-Wilkinsons with Health Food section. My heart leapt when I saw it! And I stocked up on miscellaneous things such as contact lens solution, concealer, rice cakes coated in yoghurt...yawn...

The most entertaining part of the day, however, came with the arrival of hobo-saga part three, in which a middle-aged woman (stinking of beer) sat down and started rabbiting on to me about...well i'm not entirely sure. What is it about my face that says "Hi!!! Tramps Welcome. Please bore me with all your stories"...? But by the by, I told her that I was English and didn't really understand. She looked at me disgustedly, said "Don't you even understand German?", to which I replied "I understand a bit, but not too much..." - at which point she pointedly picked up her four pack and moved elsewhere, as if the thought of sitting with me any longer filled her with disgust. Nice!

With that little oddity I'm out, hair to dye and thighs to shrink with that pouty blonde cow Tracy Anderson (I'd totally sack her off if her exercise programme didn't work :p)

Yup x

ps. anyone who wants to buy me this is quite welcome... ;)

Thursday 13 May 2010 Posted in | , , , , , , | 1 Comments »

One Responses to "But then you cut your hair...and it ended there"

  1. francesca says:

    that Olympiapark website scared the shiizers out of me!!

    I had a dream last night Beth that I was taking you round Brighton, and we were going to all the Vegetarian shops (as I was showing them all to you) and you wanted to eat one of the shoes at the Vegetarian Shoe Shop (there is actually one of these) and I had trouble chasing you round the shop trying to get you to drop it. And then I forget the rest, but i think we just kept walking round in a figure of 8... :)


    ps: Keep on with Harry, the third book is amazing

    pps: Could you possibly message me the address where you are staying? I have something to send you (it's not the t-shirt, sorry :(


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