So a whole week without updating, which is possibly a little telling of said week's nondescript-ness. However, I have also been ridiculously busy and being the faithful little blog beast I have foraged around for interesting things to write... it's interesting that as soon as you have a portal to write in things just jump out to be written about. I've started making a list so as not to forget things to mention, we all know how terrible my memory is...

Talking of which I completely forgot to mention the Swiss travellers who were rather too interested in the fact that I lived fairly near Stonehenge. I don't really know where this came from, I told them it was at least two hours drive but apparently this denotes being up the road from something in Switzerland. Eh well, one of them was on drugs and had a terrible tattoo, the other was really not taking the hint that one of my friends didn't want him coming on to her as she was a) ten years older than him and b) had a we quickly scarpered. Moral of the story: I don't think I've ever spoken so much about Stonehenge in my life as when I did for those few minutes. Weirddd

Onto important things (or not :p) the Harry Potter series is certainly getting better. The first book is by far the worst and, three books down in a little under two weeks I am starting to see the appeal although it actually galls me to say that..ouch. Unfortunately, subsequent installments are about the volume of my head and so I can't see myself finising it quite as quickly as I started. For now, I'll just keep plodding...

Work-wise, the beginning of this week marked the first seminar whereby the mother went away for work purposes, and I had to look after the girls single-handedly for three days. However, this was made a whole lot easier by the fact that Gemma (previous au pair\all round nice lady) agreed to come and help me, mainly to do the driving part which I'm still not so hot at. Everything went smoothly, only one little grump from the youngest and it was interesting not having the mother around to see how the dynamic changed. I even drove the car home by myself, and it went rather well if i do say so myself - I got a little lost but it actually enabled me to get in some more practice including all the crappy manoevres which actually came in useful...

Other than that, all my shopping woes have been fixed with the discovery of two little shopping centres...well, one small, one absolutely bloody massive - i have discvovered New Yorker which is amazing! Think Miss Selfridge on a H&M budget - although as with most great stuff you have to be prepared to sort through the rhinestone encrusted items, which seems to be a trend here at the moment, not cool! And amongst the tat I even managed to find a cropped grandad tweed jacket for 5 euros from Tally Weijl and a polka dot boob tube for €3.50 from C&A - remember them (!)- a blast from the past indeed. Let the bargain hunting continue...

I have been continuing the exercise effort, as circumstances dictate that I might be paying a visit to some Spanish girl's house sometime in September with some of the girls from Derby. I know, right! Not only are we making plans but it all looks (so far) like we might be able to stick to them, fancy that. But anyway, if there is any chance this bum is being got out on a beach, it sure as hell is not going to look like it does right now. Therefore this woman is the current bane of my life, and she actually looks hideous on the website, I apologise. In the DVDs she looks a lot less orange, even if she does keep looking herself up and down whilst pouting...unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, it really works so for the moment I am having daily meetings with Miss Anderson. I'm thinking of muting her and following the moves with my iPod on...

I have been meeting up with my non English speaking friend from Georgia, therefore practicing more German and learning all about Georgia. I am so fascinated by countries I know nothing about. Incidentally, here... the Georgian traditional dress - I love it and think it looks like something out of Star Wars. What do we have in the UK....oh yeah that's right, Morris Dancing.

-1 for UK -kind...and if anyone from MMS is reading this I have now begun laughing about Mrs Binding and her ridiculous upside-down glasses\West Somerset Morris Men attire. They were the best of times, they were the worst of times...

Moving schwiftly on, I finished Deutsch class one day and the family went away - therefore I had a whole afternoons worth of exploring to do :) and ended up at the Sea Life CentreI'd already spied at Olympiapark. Although it was €15 to get in (!) I have to say it was just what I was after, the water and all the wee fishies\scary fucking massive lobsters had a really calming effect and I left feeling as if I was floating an inch off the ground.

I also received a masking-tape clad package from someone good, enclosed therein some veggie treats and a picture of a man I've never met...amongst other things. I am working on a reply, and love love love getting stuff in the mail...hint! :p

Anyway, it's approaching 3 now and I really want to do some more exploring - the family continue to be away for this whole week so there's no urgency, but that doesn't mean I want to waste time t'internetting. I will write next time about the other things I meant to mention - namely my hatred of the tram mapping here (I actually hate a tram system...shocker) and not forgetting the atmosphere in the city yesterday (I actually liked having football fans around...shocker x2) and of course the SONOS, which I am completely bumming and will totally have installed when I have my very own home. I'll leave you with this, as someone asked me it last night...if you had a slogan for your life, what would it be? I still haven't figured mine out.


PS. Ask me a question, if you like.

Sunday 23 May 2010 Posted in | , , , , , , , | 1 Comments »

One Responses to "Get better, not bitter"

  1. Hannah says:

    OMG Beth, have you never read Harry Potter!?!?!? It's amazing!!! Number 3 if my favourite (don't like number 2) and just wait till you get to the end..... Sehr Aufregen!!!

    The hippie story sounds so funny, I had a conversation last night about Stone Henge to my German friend (weird) and I really couldn't tell her much so maybe you should write a post all about it so I can tell her something interesting lol!!!

    Glad you're busy and having a good time xx

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