I find myself halfway back on 04/04 at 23:31, although this is mainly due to being woken up for the FIFTH night in a row by randy frogspawn-spawning frogs in the pond, GO AWAY PLEASE, :(

Some things.. I started this weekend with heatstroke (fail) but ended it by finding out that someone I really didn't like actually pissed themselves, so six of one, half a dozen of the other. I'm attempting to recover from the former by thinking about the latter and laughing heartily as much as I can. Hahahahahhaha :)

Anyway, something I've been thinking about for a bit.. in order to forcibly hit myself around the head a little with the old writing inspiration.. I'm going to delve a little (ergh.. delve) into tosserish territory (yeah yeah, more than usual, let's pre-empt that one right there) and complete something of a thirty day song challenge. I say something, it's title is Thirty Day Song Challenge so I guess that's actually exactly what it is. I've seen it around on That Shitty Blue Logoed Website That Nobody Should Talk About In Real Life, but have major qualms with having to post something on TSBLWTNSTAIRL every day. So, this is a fingers up to Zuckerberg, and a step along the selfish road of rediscovering music I forgot I loved so much. Enjoy, or don't, I will :)

So, day one.. my favourite song, which incidentally I am going to use to put myself back to sleep, ahh....... <3

Radiohead - Pyramid Song from Wes Dorris on Vimeo.

And we all went to heaven in a little rowboat, and there was nothing to fear, and nothing to doubt.x

Monday 4 April 2011 Posted in | , , , , | 0 Comments »

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